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The Health Pro to CEO Podcast

Jul 26, 2021

Do you ever feel like there’s one “right way” to build your business? Are you hung up on needing to have a “perfect” Instagram feed and endlessly searching for the magic caption-writing formula that’ll guarantee success?


This is exactly how my client, Leah Tarleton, often felt before we started working...

Jul 13, 2021

Social Media can be a tricky place to navigate when you’re beginning your journey as an online business owner. It can feel exhausting to keep up with posting consistently, trigger a ton of comparison, and suck up a lot of your precious time. 


In this episode, I share 5 common myths about social media success that...

Jul 5, 2021

This week I’m joined by my client and friend, Thalia Prum. Thalia is a dietitian who helps parents overcome picky eating challenges, conquer mealtime battles and raise happy & healthy eaters.


One thing I love about Thalia is her incredible persistence and this is exactly what’s allowed her to go from selling...