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The Health Pro to CEO Podcast

Jan 25, 2021

Ever feel like if only you found the perfect strategy your business would take off? So many health pros initially come to me thinking they need another strategy, when what I actually see gets the biggest and best results for my clients (and myself) is MINDSET!

When you focus on managing your mind, everything else...

Jan 20, 2021

If you wanna get more clients, the best thing you can do is get people on the phone! So how exactly do you do that when you’ve tried offering discovery calls and nobody’s taking the next step?  

Today I’m sharing my favorite strategy to book calls and ultimately turn cold leads into buyers. This approach takes the...

Jan 19, 2021

Ever worry about giving away too much for free? What I know to be true is that when I deliver exceptional value to my audience, it only makes people want to work with me even more. I’ve grown my business with the philosophy that “the more I give, the more I receive” and today I’m sharing how to make that mindset...

Jan 18, 2021

The question I get asked most often as a business coach is “How do I find clients?” Makes sense since no clients = no business.

Most people make getting clients WAY too complicated, so today I’m sharing the easiest way to get your first or next client. This strategy works whether you’re on your 1st, 10th, or...

Jan 4, 2021

Ever wonder why some nutrition coaches charge WAY more than others when their programs appear to be exactly the same?

You’ve been researching the “competition” online and it seems like there’s a big disparity in pricing out there. Some coaches charge $1200 for a 4 month program and others charge double (or more)...