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The Health Pro to CEO Podcast

Jun 30, 2020

Wanna know the biggest mistake I made when I started my skincare dietitian business? (It cost me $6000 and 6 months of time!) It’s a common one and today I’m sharing all about what it was, how and why you should avoid making the same mistake, and a super simple (and free!) thing you can do TODAY instead to start...

Jun 29, 2020

Are you sick of working in the clinical world, listening to patient mealtime complaints day after day, and frustrated that you’re not able to really help your patients in a deep way? Do you feel stuck, lost and unfulfilled, but unsure how to get out?


In today’s episode I’m sharing my story with you including why...

Jun 24, 2020

Ever feel worse when you get online to work in your business? If so, you’re not alone. Good news is it doesn’t have to be that way! In today’s episode I’m diving into the unique things that are working against you in the online space, how to avoid them, and how to combat comparisonitis so that you can reach your...

Jun 23, 2020

If you’re feeling frustrated with a lack of results in your business and ready to give up or completely change course, you’re gonna want to listen to this episode. You’re in what I call the messy middle, and today I’m diving into exactly what I mean by that, what to do when you find yourself there, and how to...

Jun 22, 2020

Ever feel like you’re doing all the things for your business but not getting any results? Today I’m sharing with you the ONE thing I work on with all my clients that gets them the biggest results, the strategies I used to grow my business successfully, and tips to help you keep taking action the RIGHT WAY.

